Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Elf4Health Day 2 and Uncooperative Weather

Everyone meet my Elf4Health match Lorraine! Her latest post is about cupcakes so I think we are going to get along just fine :)

Yesterday was "Meatless Monday" which wasn't too hard for me. I'm not a vegetarian but I easily could be. I don't eat any red meat or pork, so that leaves chicken and turkey, which most of the time doesn't sound appetizing to me either.

I once again majorly failed at taking pictures of what I ate.

For Breakfast I had a Peanut Butter Clif Bar, and some cinnamon oatmeal.

Lunch was one of my lovely creations. I put mozzarella cheese and spinach on a whole grain flax seed sandwich thin, I put that in the oven until the cheese was melted and then dipped the finish project in pizza sauce. It was actually really good.

I normally eat a snack between lunch and dinner because I'm always hungry but that pizza sandwich thing I made for lunch kept me really full.

We were unusually busy at work last night so I didn't have much time to eat. Normally I would make a salad but last night I just poured myself a bowl of Tomato Basil soup- my favorite soup at work! (especially with a grilled cheese). I only ended up eating about half of the bowl but it was really good. Of course I was hungry when I got home from work so I ate a banana with peanut butter which is my all time favorite snack!

Picture stolen from my work's Facebook

Today's challenge is to unsubscribe from 3 email lists or magazine subscriptions. I don't have any magazine subscriptions so it will have to be email lists. I already have 2 in mind that I will unsubscribe from: Sunglass Hut and JustFab. I love both of their products but I can't afford to buy things from them all of the time. I don't even open their emails anymore they just go straight to the trash. I don't have a 3rd one in mind yet but as soon as the junk emails start rolling in I will start unsubscribing!

I have the absolute worst luck when it comes to traveling. My flight ALWAYS gets delayed or cancelled, I'm not exaggerating when I say ALWAYS. I had no idea there was a big storm coming until I went to work last night and my boss told me good luck on getting home in the storm. Apparently I should watch less E! News and more of the real news. Anyways when I heard this news I was pretty much planning on spending Thanksgiving in an airport because that it just my luck.

Early this morning I got a call from my dad saying that he changed my flight to a different one where I will hopefully avoid the cities that are getting hit by the storm and it will get me home before it hits us. I'm not getting my hopes up though. I could very much be camping out in the airport for Thanksgiving. My roommate made a very good point that airports have pizza and beer so I think I would survive :) Here's to hoping that I make it home tomorrow with no delays or cancellations, or at least before Thanksgiving!

If you are an Elf4health how are your challenges going?

Does anyone else have bad luck when it comes to traveling?
  • I try to avoid flying as much as possible because of this!


  1. I hope you make it home! I had to make my flight for a day earlier (aka in an hour from now) because of the storm. I didn't believe anyone who said it would be that bad but tomorrow is supposed to be a nightmare! Good luck :)

  2. Good luck traveling! Thanksgiving can just be the worst because of stuff like that. Elf4Health is going well! Unsubscribing was oddly liberating, and it's something I never would have thought to do on my own. Hope you have fun doing a new workout tomorrow!

  3. Your Dad sounds like a total gem! Hope you made it home and happy thanksgiving lovely!

  4. For years every flight I had out of la guardia in NYC was canceled or delayed. Otherwise I'm usually rather ok. Except I have a habit of scarring my car on long road trips-always that ONE TIME I'm not paying attention, you know? Best of luck getting home! With regards to Elf4Health, I hope you aren't "sweating" getting home! And btw, unroll.me is amazing-finally got rid of all of those emails I have tried to unsubscribe from for years!

  5. Hi, I just came across your blog and now become a reader! Not sure where you are located or where home is for you, but I hope you make it there safely. (I also had no idea there was a large storm coming)
