Monday, November 18, 2013


It's another Marvelous Monday!

Marvelous is Movie Nights with Friends. Saturday night instead of going out like normal college students my friends and I first went to Texas Roadhouse where we all ate double our weight in yummy food. We literally rolled out of the restaurant. Then we decided to stop at Redbox and get a movie. We picked This is The End because we had heard that it was hilarious, and we were all in the mood for a good laugh. I don't know if we just have a bad sense of humor or what but none of us found it funny, it was just weird and didn't really have a point. Afterwards we watched 21 and Over which was funny at the beginning but I fell asleep halfway through. Woo crazy college students!

Marvelous is Payday! I love payday and actually needed the money this time so that I could get some groceries. (I spent way too much money in Disney) What's not so marvelous is that I left my paycheck at work on Friday so I just waited until I worked again last night to get it. I guess it was for the best so that I wasn't tempted to spend all of it over the weekend.

Marvelous is blogging instead of doing your homework that is due in 4 hours. Hehe I think this one is self-explanatory.

Marvelous is following my new Twitter and Instagram. @RunFor_Cupcakes for Twitter and @_courtmoore for Instagram. This is my desperate but shameless begging... Please follow me! Okay that's embarrassing I'm done I swear.

Marvelous is waking up in the middle of the night starving and eating a Clif Bar in bed.

Marvelous is Peanut Butter and Banana Toast. This is my all time favorite breakfast. It's just peanut butter and banana on a flax seed sandwich thin. Sooo yummy!

And the number one thing that is Marvelous in my Monday is signing up for the Hope 4 Philippines Virtual 5k. I read about it on Hungry Runner Girl's blog and knew I had to sign up. Here's a link to her post with all of the information. All you have to do is donate $15 or more if you would like, and run a 5k Nov 20-24 and send in your times. Everyone who registers gets an active headband and it is for a great cause. Everyone go sign up!

Happy Monday! I hope everyone has a great week!


  1. Woooo I love movie nights! My favorite part of college, not gonna lie! And totally following you on twitter now :)

    p.s. have a lab report that was due last week that I still haven't finished, but I still found time to blog, so don't feel bad. It's part of being a college student ;)

    1. Movie nights with ice cream are the best! It sounds like we are both really good at procrastinating :)

  2. It's a toss up between whether pay day or peanut butter and banana toast is more marvelous!!! haha. Looks like a great weekend.

    1. Haha I can't decide either! I hope you have a great week :)

  3. No shame on eating a Cliff Bar in the middle of the night. I literally wake up every night around midnight for a scoop of peanut butter straight outta the jar. When a craving hits, why hold back. Am I right, or am I right? lol

    1. Oh you are most definitely right! Whoever made up that crazy rule where you aren't supposed to eat after 8 PM is crazy!
