Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sunday Social!

 Happy Sunday! It's a beautiful morning here in Wilmington and I'm looking forward to going for a run after I write this!

Here's another Sunday Social hosted by A Complete Waste of Makeup

1. What is currently on your wish list?
 Right now I really want/need new yoga pants and I also wouldn't mind a pedicure :)

2. Share a new iPhone, droid, iPad app that you have recently discovered that we all need.
 Besides all of the regular social media apps (facebook, twitter, instagram) I really don't have too many apps. I have the app for bank so I can check my account and Endomondo for my GPS while running. I'm not a huge app person!

3. What is a new fall tv show that you have added to your dvr?
I just started watching New Girl on Netflix and I love it! It is soo hilarious!

4. Share your social media links so we can follow you. (Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, etc) Tell us which is your favorite and why.
My favorite is probably Pinterest, so many good ideas on there!

5. What is a tv show, movie, or song that you could watch or listen to over and over and never get tired of?
TV: The Big Bang Theory
Movie: Footloose
Song: Cruise by Florida Georgia Line

Gotta run!


  1. great answers!

    bbt is a pretty funny show :)

  2. Pedicures ARE the ultimate indulgence. Love that idea!

  3. Pedicures when you come home! I love love love BBT too!

  4. Oooh a pedicure sounds so nice right about now! Well that or just the hour away from the toddler, haha!

    - Lauren @
