Tuesday, November 12, 2013

What I Learned in Disney

Hi! Just popping in for a quick post from my phone in between classes. I've been so busy the last few days and I didn't bring my laptop to Disney with me, hence the lack of posts. I honestly don't think I would've had time to even if I did bring my laptop!

So here is what I learned from my 4 short days in Disney...

1. I'm a kid at heart. Okay so if you know me you already knew this, but being at Disney just brings out the child in me even more.

2. There is awful cell service in Disney World. I think I sent 5 text messages the whole time I was there. There was no cell service in the hotel we stayed at, and so many people were on the phones in the park that it took hours to post a picture to Insta or send a tweet. Most people would freak out about this but it was actually nice to turn off my phone and just spend good quality time with my family.

3. It doesn't matter how fast or slow you run. You are a winner as long as you finish. I had a pretty rough race at the Wine and Dine half this past Saturday (more about that later) I didn't get the time I wanted at all but I finished and I am proud of that.

4. Disney is EXHAUSTING. I don't think I got more than 4 hours of sleep a night while I was there. There's just so much to do and no time for sleep! It's so worth it but I am feeling the exhaustion now.

5. Walt Disney is a genius and I wish I could meet him. If I could pick one person to meet it would be Walt Disney. What he created is amazing, and I would love to have a conversation with him.

And last but not least...

6. I'm an awful photographer. Whenever I see something cool I just stare at it. I never think to take a picture. This is why there will be no pictures in this post. Okay so as I'm typing this I just decided to add one picture but that is it! I have to save the rest for my other posts. Anywhooo I need to start taking more pictures!

My experience at Disney was great (for the most part) and I'm definitely sad to be back in the real world. I'm going to leave you guys with a picture of Cinderella's Castle at night. GORGEOUS!


  1. "It doesn't matter how fast or slow you run. You are a winner as long as you finish." --> yes!! Sometimes you're even a winner even if you don't finish--what matters is that you poured your heart and soul into your race, and regardless of what happens, you know you did what you could at that point in time. I'm excited to read your recap, and also totally jealous--I LOVE Disney World and a race there is on my lifelong running bucket list!

    1. I completely agree with you! As long as you gave it your best you are a winner! I think a race at Disney World is a MUST for all runners, it's such a different experience than all other races!
