Thursday, November 21, 2013


So in fear of sounding really really really dumb... like REALLY dumb I have a confession to make. When I first starting blogging and saw everyone's WIAW posts I for some reason thought that meant it was what they ate on Wednesday. Then me being a genius realized that these were being posted on Wednesday mornings so there was no way it could be what they ate that day unless they can tell the future or something.

I finally read people's posts and realized that it was sometimes what they ate the day before or even a few days before. This made much more sense to me, I don't know why it took me so long to figure this out. So in honor of me being dumb here is What I Ate On Wednesday.

*Just a warning I don't cook fancy meals and make up recipes like a lot of you, I wish I did*

I was running late this morning, which is pretty much the story every morning. So I just grabbed a banana to eat on the go. I'm obsessed with these little minions on the bananas. I may or may not have taken a sticker off of a banana that I didn't want and put it on mine ;)

I also ate a White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Clif Bar on my way to class. I think I've said this before but they are my absolute favorite flavor! I scarfed almost all of it down before I remembered to take a picture.

I also ate a handful of these before my run. I would like to say it was for fuel, but I only ran 2 miles. I really ate them because they were right next to me and they looked delicious.

After my run I was starving so I made a pit stop at my favorite deli/sandwich shop South College Deli. I got turkey and lettuce on wheat bread. (I know it's boring but I'm a picky eater) and their delicious homemade potato chips on the side!

I had the most random dinner. The other half of my sandwich from lunch, mashed potatoes, cheese and crackers and hummus.

And this is how I really eat my dinner. On my lap in front of the TV...

This perfectly good kitchen table never gets used by me or my roommate. Whoops.

So that is what I ate ON Wednesday.

Even though this isn't the conventional WIAW post I'm going to link up with Peas and Crayons for the first time! I promise I'll do the whole WIAW thing the right way next week!

Favorite flavor of Clif Bar?
Do you prefer to eat at a table or in front of the TV?

1 comment:

  1. I totally thought the same thing about WIAW haha. I eat a the table but 95% of the time my computer is right in front of me!
