Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Just. Be. Happy.

As I am getting all my things packed to head to Disney World one thing keeps popping into my head. Happiness. Seeing as Disney is "The Happiest Place on Earth" it makes sense. I like to think of myself as a very happy person and I know my friends would agree. I've even been told by someone before that I am like a ray of sunshine and they should base a Disney princess on me. (Which by the way is probably the best compliment you could ever give a girl)

An article was posted online a few days ago and has since gone viral. It is called "Marriage isn't for you". This article started a discussion between my friend Kaitlynn and I. We both believe that in order to be in a successful marriage/relationship you need to be happy with yourself first. One of Kaitlynn's friends has a different opinion... he thinks that your happiness depends on your partners and that it is your partner's responsibility to put your happiness before theirs and make sure you're happy no matter what. Now I am all for making each other happy, but you need to take care and love yourself first before you can be in a healthy relationship.

So with that said here are a few things that have made me happy today:

2. Dark Chocolate M&M's- straight addicted
3. Long Distance Friendships (Ahem, Kaitlynn)
4. An Unexpected Lunch Date
5. Talking to my Mom

It's the simple things in life y'all.

I'm one of those people who will literally laugh at pretty much anything. I'm just so giggly! I also cry from laughing so hard pretty much on a daily basis. Being that happy is one of the best feelings in the world. I also have one of those crazy laughs that makes everyone else laugh when they hear it. Unfortunately most of the time they are laughing at me not with me, but that's okay!

And I just had to add this in here for my namesake :)

So with that being said...

What makes you happy?
Thoughts on the marriage article, or any of our opinions?
Please tell me there is someone else out there with a crazy embarrassing laugh!


  1. I definitely think you have to love yourself before you can love someone else. Happiness is contagious so people will naturally be more attracted to you if you're happy with the way you are and I think it's impossible to totally rely on another person to make you happy. That being said, your list of what makes you happy is virtually identical to mine. Specifically running, talking to your mom, chocolate, and long distance friends. Yep yep yep and yep.

  2. Love this post... and not just because you mention me :)
