About Me

My name is Courtney. I am a 21 year old college student just living the dream. I go to school at UNCW in Wilmington, North Carolina and I just love it! I am from Ohio, but have no plans of ever going back. (Unless it is to visit my parents) I became very passionate about running 2 years ago. My parents were visiting me in Wilmington and I heard about the Disney Princess Half Marathon. I mentioned to my mom how I wanted to run it, and she said it was always something she wanted to cross off her bucket list. I knew right then and there that I had her on board! Last February we both ran our first Half Marathon and our love for running has kept growing!

I am currently majoring in Psychology and minoring in Biology. Everyone has been asking me what I want to do after I graduate, and I honestly could not give them an answer- I REALLY DIDN'T KNOW! Instead of graduating on time, and not being able to find a job I decided to pursue what I am most passionate about, teaching. I added on an elementary education major which also added on a couple years to my schooling. Thank you dad :) I could not be more excited to teach!

I am currently a coach for the Girls on the Run and STRIDE organizations and I love it so much. These kids make me so happy, and I love that it combines my two passions of teaching and running!

I'm just your typical college girl having fun and working hard!

Oh and I really, really, really LOVE cupcakes!


  1. Just found your blog!
    Now following!
    Looking forward to keeping up!!


    1. Thanks girl! Looking forward to keeping up with you too!

  2. So excited you found my blog! One of my good friends from home actually just graduated from UNCW last year! She was on the track/xc team! And yes, obsessed with cupcakes. And running. And I am trying to coach GOTR this spring. Soooo same person status?

    1. Did we just become best friends?! Haha have you seen stepbrothers, if not awkward...

      But in all seriousness you should definitely coach GOTR in the spring it is one of the best experiences I have ever had! So glad I found your blog!

  3. Hi Courtney - so glad you found my blog and I am looking forward to keeping up with you! When is your next runDisney race? I'll be a Tink and Wine & Dine in 2014!

    1. I unfortunately do not have any RunDisney races on my schedule right now :( My mom is my partner in crime for them and she is working on strengthening up some before we run another one. I can't wait to hear about your experience at the Tink Half! I'll get my coast to coast medal one day...

  4. Just found your blog and am super excited I came across it! I volunteered with GOTR on race day and it was honestly one my favorite experiences. I love running and sweets...looks like we already have a lot in common. I'm looking forward to following along!

    1. Hey girl! So glad you found my blog too! GOTR is the best, along with running and sweets...
