Tuesday, November 19, 2013

I've Come to a Realization

As my title says I came to a realization this morning...

My life is BORING. I've been pondering on what to blog about today and I literally cannot come up with anything.

I haven't had time to come up with or try any new recipes, I'm still letting my foot heal so I haven't been running- hoping to start by the end of the week, I haven't had time to read any books. Nothing

You would think that since I have no time I'm really busy doing cool things but nope it's just school, work, and internship which is all very boring.

Okay so my internship isn't all that boring but there's only so much I can say about it. As I've said before my internship is with the Y. I coach GOTR and STRIDE 4 days and week and then help out in their offices on Fridays. I love it more than anything. Cue the pictures of the cute kids I coach...

I do have something exciting happening with my internship this weekend, but more on that later!

The only other exciting thing I did was sign up for The Lean Green Bean's Elf for Health Holiday Challenge. Pretty excited for this not gonna lie.


Sorry for this excruciatingly boring post!

Has anyone else signed up for the Elf for Health Challenge?
Does anyone know any good books for me to read over Thanksgiving/Christmas break?


  1. So many good books for you! It's actually a problem for me when people ask for good book recommendations because I have a hard time shutting up haha. Any Khaled Hosseini books are amazing. Easy reads are anything by Sarah Jio (especially The Bungalow). Foodie best is Julia child's Biography. And my fiction list is down to my ankles but if you want any suggestions feel free to email me!

    My life is so boring too so I feel ya!

    1. Thank you for the recommendations and I will definitely be emailing you in the future :)
