Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Halloween! (a day late)

My Halloween started off by getting up at 4:30 AM to study for my marine biology and ecology exams. I'm pretty sure all of the studying paid off, I walked out of both exams feeling very confident. Always a good feeling!

My mom is pretty much the coolest mom ever when it comes to holidays. She gets really into them and I always get a fun care package from her.

Inside this care package was the country edition of People Magazine which was filled with pictures of the beautiful Luke Bryan! More candy than I know what to do with it, Halloween themed cups, and it is not in the picture, but she also sent me a couple pairs of Under Armor running shorts, and a Nike dry-fit tank.

So after I got home from my fun-filled day of taking exams I decided to try and take a nap because I knew I had a long night ahead of me. About ten minutes into my nap I got woken up by a cat meowing at the top of it's lungs outside my apartment door. I'm an animal lover so of course I rushed to open the door and a black cat comes flying in! My parents have a black cat at home so I've never been superstitious or anything, but I still thought it was pretty weird that a black cat with bright orange eyes ran into my apartment on Halloween! It was scared to death and I felt bad putting it outside so I called the office at my apartment complex and asked them to put out an E-mail about a missing cat. Turns out the neighbors across from me accidentally let it out, and they were very grateful that I kept him safe for them.

Do you like my Halloween costume?! I was sooo excited to wear this costume and act minion-like! It also was super comfy which is a plus!

Does this guy have the best costume or what?! I just had to take a picture with him! So awesome. 

I had so much fun last night. I love seeing everyone's costumes out and about!

What were you for Halloween this year?
What was the most creative costume you saw?
Anyone else tired of seeing everyone dressed up like Miley?!


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