Sunday, November 17, 2013

Sunday Social

 Another Sunday Social hosted by A Complete Waste of Makeup!

1. Name 4 jobs you’ve had in your life.
I worked at Panera when I was in high school, and now I work at Atlanta Bread Company which is basically the same thing. I'm really really good at making sandwiches!

2. Name 4 movies you would watch over and over
You've Got Mail, Elf, 101 Dalmatians, and Law Abiding Citizen

3. Name 4 places you have lived.
I have only lived in 2 places. I was born and raised in good ol' Stow, Ohio and I am now living in Wilmington, North Carolina. I never plan on going back up north.

4. Name 4 of your favorite foods.
Peanut Butter, Bananas, Mac & Cheese, and anything sweet (candy, cupcakes, brownies, anything!)

5. Name 4 things you always carry with you.
My phone, my chapstick, my debit card, and gum

6. Name 4 places you have been on vacation. 

Washington D.C.

Hilton Head

Fort Myers, FL

and Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Happy Sunday!


  1. I love Atlanta Bread Company! There used to be one right near my high school and they'd send bagels for us to buy. I loved them dearly! But then they closed and ngl, I cried a little. ;) I love Panera too though!

    - Lauren @

  2. This is the second post I've read today about people who worked at Panera! Man, I'd weigh 300 pounds if I worked at that place, LOL. It's so good! Anyway just stopping by from the link up to say hi!

    Sarah @ Life As Always
