Thursday, December 19, 2013

Hashtag Thursday: Home Edition

Happy Thursday Everyone! Here's a little look at what I've been doing since I've been home in hashtag form of course!

#TreadmillRunning Ughhh I hate running on the treadmill but I'm scared to run outside in the ice and snow. I'm going to suck it up and go running outside today. Do you like our dinosaur exercise machines? I think some of them are older than me and yes that is a folded up ab lounger leaning against the bike. I begged my dad for one when I was 14 and he caved and bought me one. In case you didn't know using an ab lounger will not give you abs of steel...

#ViewFromTheTreadmill Brrrrrrrrrr

#TiredFeetFromRunning I ran a quick two miles on the treadmill before I got bored and switched to doing some strength training. 

#Annie My sister used to work at a vet and would bring home animals all the time. Most of the time we were able to find homes for them but no one wanted her! She ended up just staying at our house and was named Annie for Annie the orphan.

#Zoe A very little and sometimes annoying pup but she's so lovable and fun to talk to after a hard workout :)

#CreepyBug I swear this bug is following me around the house but it is always too high for me to catch it! I'm the person who will put a bug on a tissue and carry it outside, I feel too bad killing them!

#StuffingStockings Christmas is 6 days away!!!!

#Deer They are EVERYWHERE. I'm scared I'm going to accidentally hit one with my car!

#GrapesGalore #OmNomNom

And last but not least...

#Anchorman2 I don't have any pictures of this but holy cow this movie was hilarious!!! (If you like Will Ferrel's kind of humor) If you need a good laugh I highly recommend going to see it!

Have you seen any good movies lately?
Favorite kind of fruit?

1 comment:

  1. Your dog and cat are precious!!

    Can't wait to see Anchorman 2!
